Here are some of Giuseppe Cristianos Books
All titles are availble on various on-line retailers (Amazon, Borders,
Barnes & Nobles etc.). For any info and request write a message here

FRAMES volume 1
Portfolio 2019
52 pages / Italian / Illustrated / BW

Framing films – Cinematografia, storyboard e visual storytelling
My third italian storyboard manual. Published by Caracò in 2020.
168 pages / Italian / Illustrated / Color

Storyboard – Disegnare sceneggiature per registi, creativi e produttori
My second italian storyboard manual. Published by Caracò in January 2019.
English edition is in progress.
156 pages / Italian / Illustrated / Color

Il Visualizer – Guida completa al mestiere dello Storyboard Artist
My first italian storyboard manual. Published by Caracò in October 2017.
English edition is in progress.
153 pages / Italian / Illustrated / Color

The Storyboard Artist: A Guide to Freelancing in Film, TV, and Advertising
A visual and straightforward manual describing the various aspects of the storyboarding profession. Includes tips and advice from a working professional with expertise in film, television, and advertising.
210 pages / English / Illustrated / BW

Storyboard Design Course: Principles, Practice, and Techniques
This profusely illustrated book of practical tutorials and interactive exercises is an essential instruction guide and textbook for aspiring movie and television storyboard artists. It will also serve as a valuable reference source and general orientation for everybody involved in the production process, including directors, producers, actors, and scriptwriters. Students will learn
How to develop sketching skills
How to interpret a film or a TV script in visual terms
How to understand the jargon and the conventions of the media
How to build scenes, plan shot sequences, and make use of special effects
The author demonstrates uses of the storyboard in preparing advertising segments, live action films, TV dramatizations, music videos, animated cartoons, and computer games. He also offers advice on marketing and promotion, building a portfolio, creating a web site, and working with agencies and production companies. Case studies show readers how to create different types of storyboard for a wide range of professional assignments. Experienced storyboard artists advise students on how to succeed in this exciting industry. The book features more than 450 color illustrations.
192 Pages / English / Illustrated / Color
Also available in other languages (French, German etc.)

The Spiritual Journey of the Freelancer Storyboard Artist
The Spiritual Journey is entertaining and fun, but doesn’t fall short of delivering the kind of solid, practical information one would expect from a seasoned storyboard artist. The guide offers insight into the freelancer’s lifestyle and information on everything from handling finances and proper conduct with clients, to why Cristiano considers watching movies and reading comic books, while wearing pajamas, as part of the artist’s workday. Current in his craft and industry, Cristiano has taught classes in many venues, including schools, colleges, and universities throughout Europe. He has produced work for some of the most prestigious advertising agencies and film production companies in the world, including Saatchi, RSA, Fox, Nickelodeon, MTV, HBO, Warner Bros, and many others. His work includes concept art for films and animation and illustrations for books, magazines and comics. He works in animation, advertising, games, films and music video production for some of the biggest names in the industry.
174 pages / English / Illustrated / BW

Analyzing Storyboard – Third Edition
A complete guide to becoming a storyboard artist from the inside out. Free of all unnecessary waffle, this book walks you through every step of the way from putting together your first portfolio and getting in touch with prospective employers to how to price your work. Written by a working professional “Analyzing Storyboards” provides insightful information drawn from the author’s own experience.
Now including also the Visual Dictionary of Storyboard
234 Pages / English / Illustrated / BW now also available in Swedish

Analyzing Storyboard – Second Edition
A complete guide to becoming a storyboard artist from the inside out. Free of all unnecessary waffle, this book walks you through every step of the way from putting together your first portfolio and getting in touch with prospective employers to how to price your work. Written by a working professional “Analyzing Storyboards” provides insightful information drawn from the author’s own experience.
96 Pages / English / Illustrated / BW

Analyzing Storyboard
A complete guide to becoming a storyboard artist from the inside out. Free of all unnecessary waffle, this book walks you through every step of the way from putting together your first portfolio and getting in touch with prospective employers to how to price your work. Written by a working professional “Analyzing Storyboards” provides insightful information drawn from the author’s own experience.
This is the original first edition, out of print now and available only in a few specialized stores.
120 Pages / English / Illustrated / BW – 20 US $

Visual Dictionary of Storyboard
Simply a practical reference book containing all the technical terms mostly used in cinema and television depicted through storyboard frames and illustrations.
100 Pages / English / Illustrated / BW – 20 US $

Teckna Film
32 pages / Illustrated / Color / Only available in Swedish

Creative Scriptwriting
Not just another scriptwriting book. In addition to providing a clear and informative breakdown of the tools and techniques of the trade, Creative Scriptwriting offers valuable insight into the personal experience of scriptwriting including writer’s block and inspiration that are completely overlooked in many other scriptwriting books. It’s fun, informative and easy-to-read.
194 pages / English – $ 25

Illustrated Cinema & Other Works
A collection of stark, film-inspired, images tapped from the brilliant mind of a slightly disturbed artist. Imbued with an understated and disquieting strangeness, the high-contrast black-and-white images are both cutting-edge and inspiring.
84 pages / English / Illustration / BW – $ 25

White and Black
A brand new collection of stark, film-inspired, images tapped from the hand and talent of Giuseppe Cristiano. Imbued with a high-contrast cutting-edge and inspiring black-and-white style.
220 pages / Illustrations / BW

Giuseppe Cristiano – Art Book
740 pages of illustrations, sketches, storyboard by Giuseppe Cristiano.
740 Pages / Illustrations / BW

IMAGES – Illustrations & Conceptual Art
All of us live in a world made of ‘Images’ that reflect the variety of our cultural expressions. ‘Images’ are the great representation of our skill in showing reality – or unreality – through an iconographic description of ideas, thoughts or effigies present in our mind.
88 pages / illustration / BW

Dictionary of Movie Clichés
We have all sat watching a film and groaned in jaded horror when the girl being chased by a murderer across level terrain suddenly trips and falls, or cringed with cinematic déjà vu as an eccentric hacker guesses the password to the world’s most sophisticated computer in two attempts. The list of movie clichés is endless, but Cristiano has gathered together some favourite examples to hilarious effect.
120 pages / English – $ 20

Giuseppe Cristiano – Portfolio 2008
32 pages / English / Illustrated / BW
Giuseppe Cristiano – Portfolio 2011
48 pages / English / Illustrated / BW
Giuseppe Cristiano – Portfolio 2012
52 pages / English / Illustrated / BW
Giuseppe Cristiano – Portfolio 2013
52 pages / English / Illustrated / Color
Giuseppe Cristiano – Portfolio 2013
56 pages / English / Illustrated / Color
All portfolios are available upon request.

- The creative output of Giuseppe Cristiano
One of GC earliest portfolios. Available upon request
68 pages / English / Illustrated / Color

“thoughts and words. reflections. truth and deceits. dreams. obscure and mysterious designs. a book inside a book inside a book. a man and his journey. a journey in the mind? abandon all preconceptions and let yourself go in the innards of the Silent City…”
236 pages / English / Novel – $ 25

The Apartment (Wait a Minute)
A year in the life of the apartment of an aspiring young writer, forever penniless and waiting for someone to recognize his talent. And, as even “sublime minds” need to eat, our man decides to sublet one of the rooms in his home. And so he will make the acquaintance of a series of characters, all different from each other, but with a common denominator: creativity. We meet Massia, who plays guitar with a highly promising band; Pasolo, sculptor and slightly crazy artist; Karin, a Swedish girl seeking for the meaning of life; Jovanna and Corintia, two fashion designers and partners in real life; and, finally, “Kurt”, a rebellious boy fighting against the world and its rules. The James Taylor Quartet album “Wait a Minute” plays as soundtrack to this story, at times dark, at times funny but also dramatic. A story that takes us back to an era when everything seemed possible.
172 pages / English / Novel also available in Italian – $ 20

Road To Cairo
Tre amici, invitati a un matrimonio fuori citta, si mettono in viaggio a bordo di un auto per raggiungere il luogo della cerimonia. Durante il tragitto scelgono di percorrere una strada secondaria, ma questa si rivelera un dedalo di vie sconosciute e dalla difficile via di fuga. Intraprendono cosA– un’avventura movimentata e a tratti surreale, lunga un giorno, che li portera in contatto con una serie di bizzarri personaggi ma soprattutto ad un impegnativo confronto tra loro e con i loro problemi e paure. A porre termine alla strana avventura concorrera l’aiuto di una misteriosa ragazza.
124 pages / Italian / Novel – $ 18

Stockholmssnack låter kanske som många andra böcker men denna bok innehåller lite mer. Boken handlar om människors konversationer, tankar och erfarenheter, som de är i verkligheten. Dialogerna är även inspirerade av alla de vackert illustrerade bilder av olika byggnader som finns runt om i Stockholm.
156 pages / Illustrated / Novel / BW only available in Swedish – $ 25